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Rock On! (Perc Ens 3+)


Genre: Percussion Ensemble
# of Players: 3+
Level: Easy | Duration: 2:10
Publisher: C. Alan Publications | Copyright: 2020

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Notes & Instrumentation
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  • Notes & Instrumentation

    Rock On! features a healthy blend of infectious drum grooves, unison rhythms, "copycat" dialogue between parts, a manageable introduction to syncopated patterns, and a variety of percussive sounds to explore.

    Genre: Percussion Ensemble | # of Players: 3+
    Level: Easy | Duration: 2:10

    3+ Buckets*

    *You may also substitute other instruments in place of buckets (e.g. toms or other drums, “found” objects like cans, bottles, or pots/pans, etc.). The instruments just need to be able to produce contrasting sounds like buckets

    Program Notes
    Rock On! features a healthy blend of infectious drum grooves, unison rhythms, "copycat" dialogue between parts, a manageable introduction to syncopated patterns, and a variety of percussive sounds to explore. This musical material helps new percussionists expand their rhythmic vocabulary, build confidence in reading notation (and understanding how it connects to what they hear as they play), and clearly hear how their parts fit into the overall musical tapestry.

  • Product Reviews


    Write A Review

    1. Percussive Notes New Literature Review

      Part of the C. Alan Publications’ “Ignite” series, this very accessible entry-level ensemble provides the spark for young percussionists to grow in their musicianship. Although there is a bit of repetition in this 2-minute ensemble, Part 1 is a bit more challenging and also provides opportunities for improvisation, while the other two parts are quite basic. The composition is essentially a two-measure groove in 4/4 with occasional “copycat” dialogue passages.

      For first-year percussion students, this composition should be a delightful summary performance selection. There is also encouragement for the performers to memorize their music parts and adapt the composition as they like. “Rock On!” is certain to appeal to the entry-level percussion ensemble.

      Jim Lambert
      Percussive Notes
      Vol. 59, No. 6, December 2021
      on Jul 5th 2022
