Brand Name
No Preference
Adam Bruce & Justin Shelton Adams, Dan Adams, Daniel (b. 1956) Adams, Franklin D. (b. 1966) Adams, Sam (b. 1989) Agioritis, Kate Alamo, Juan (b. 1978) Allemeier, John (b. 1970) Ambrose, Robert (b. 1968) Amy, Matt Anderson, James Anderson, Jonathan (b. 1976) Anderson, Larry (b. 1960) Anderson, Nate (b. 1987) Anderson, Richard (b. 1946) Anderson, Stephen Arau, Matthew (b. 1973) Archer, Kimberly (b. 1973) Arie, Jacob Armstrong, Dan (b. 1953) Arnold, Adam Asbill, Miller (b. 1969) Asbill, Miller and Geraldi, Kevin Auber/Lawrence Odom Aukofer, Michael (b. 1973) Ausdemore, Jeff Bach, Edward (b. 1957) Bailey, Eric Baird, Bradley Baldridge, Terry (b. 1948) Ball, Eric Balzun, Joel (b. 1990) Bandman, Matt Bang, Samuel Barnes, James Barrett, Roland (b. 1955) Barton, Steven (b. 1954) Barudin, Jeffrey (b. 1979) Bashford, Rodney Bass, Eddie (b. 1937) Beck, Mitchell Bedford, David Belden, George R. (b. 1939) Bennefield, Troy (b. 1979) Bennett, Barbara (b. 1952) Benton, LeAndre Berry, Mark (b. 1972) Bird, Kevin Bishop, Jeffrey S. (b. 1970) Blackshaw, Jodie Blaha, Joseph Blair, Andrew (b. 1987) Blench, Karl (b. 1981) Blessinger, Martin (b. 1978) Blinko, Timothy Blyth/Brownless Bobrowitz, David Bohannon, Nicklas (b. 1999) Bohn, Donna (b. 1965) Bolton, Calvin (b. 1959) Bondari, Brian Bourgeois, Derek Bowen, Brian Boyd, John (b. 1944) Boysen Jr, Andrew (b. 1968) Bradford, Christopher Brand, Geoffrey Brand, Michael (b. 1952) Bremer, Carolyn (b. 1957 - 2018) Briggs, Thomas (b. 1955) Broadbent, Patrick Broadway, Kenneth Brock, Anthony (b. 1978) Brock, Gordon (b. 1952) Brooks, BJ (b. 1975) Broughton, Bruce (b. 1945) Broughton, William Brown, John "Hound" Bruce, Adam (b. 1985) Bulla, Stephen Bunting, Justin Burghdorf, Gus (b. 1973) Burritt, Michael (b. 1962) Bush, Doug Byrd, Josh Cabanillas, Gabe (b. 1989) Cahill, Nathan Cairns, Zachary (b. 1978) Calissi, Jeff (b. 1976) Campbell, Jim (b. 1953) Campbell, Mat Camphouse, Mark Capaldo, Steven Carlsen, Philip (b. 1951) Carmean, Chris (b. 1974) Carnahan, John (b. 1955) Carr, Jamieson (b. 1987) Carroll, Greg (b. 1949) Carullo, Sam (b. 1997) Cash, Diane (b. 1962) Cathey, Daniel (b. 1984) Chambers, Wendy Mae (b. 1953) Chan, Thomas and Yuen-Hing, Yau Cheadle, Richard (b. 1947) Chenoweth, Vida (1928-2018) Chernich, Nicholas (b. 1987) Childs, David T. (b. 1938) Chin-Cheng, Lin (b. 1984) Chisham, Daniel (b. 1961) Chung, Yiu-kwong (b. 1956) Cichy, Roger (b. 1956) Clark, Reber (b. 1955) Clarke, Nigel Clayson, Robert (b. 1991) Cline, Rick (b. 1972) Cohen, Matthew A.C. Coleman, Christopher (b. 1958) Coles, Jay (b. 1995) Collins, Gordon and West, Brian Collins, Harrison (b. 1999) Colonna, Jim (b. 1970) Combs, J.C. (b. 1940) Combs, J.C. and Gibson, Gary Comley, Helen Constable, Robert (b. 1958) Cope, John David Cotton, MJ (b. 1977) Craig, Bryce (b. 1990) Crawford, Michael Crehan, Jonathan (b. 1987) Criswell, Cody (b. 1988) Crombie, Leigh/West, Brian Culp, Rebecca Anne (b. 1979) Curley, Matthew (b. 1991) Curnow, James D'Ambrosio, Mike (b. 1974) Dancy, Andrew (b. 1980) Daniels, Ben (b. 1986) Daniels, Sean (b. 1966) Danner, Greg (b. 1958) Daughtrey, Nathan (b. 1975) Daughtrey, Nathan/Lasley, Mike Daughtrey, Nathan/McClaren, Cort David R. Gillingham & Dennis W. Fisher David, James M. (b. 1978) Davidson, Lachlan Davidson, Lindsay (b. 1973) De Cinque, Paul de Murga, Michael (b. 1967) Deane, Christopher (b. 1957) DeCristofaro, Jason (b. 1988) Deemer, Rob (b. 1970) Del Borgo, Elliot (1938-2013) Dickinson, Paul (b. 1965) Diemer, Emma Lou (1927-2024) Dietz, Brett (b. 1972) Dittgen, Brandon (b. 1988) Docter, Zachary (b. 1993) Donkin, Christine (b. 1976) Dooley, Michael (b. 1984) Downie, Kenneth Doyle, James D. Dunn, F. Vivian Edgerton, Michael (b. 1961) Edwards, Keith Otis (b. 1947) Ehlers, Matt Eisenhardt, Daniel (b. 1982) Ellzey, Jake Elvert, Ryan (b. 1994) Emch, Jacob (b. 1991) Epting, Peter Erickson, Kevin (b. 1971) Ernst, David (b. 1945) Evans, Howard J. Ewazen, Eric Fairlie, Edward Fambrough, Gene (b. 1969) Farnon, David Farnon, Robert Farr, Ray Fellinger, Christopher (b. 1973) Fernandez, Charles (b. 1960) Fields, Catherine Fields, Nicholas (b. 1985) Fields, Ryan Fink, Matthew (b. 1982) Fisher, Dennis (b. 1949) Fisher, Tim Fitch, Steve (b. 1957) Fitzgibbon, Patrick Flannigan, Jessica (b. 1988) Fleischfresser, Vaughan Floyd, Chad (b. 1977) Fluman, Randy (b. 1961) Follas, Ronald W. (b. 1946) Ford, Dene Ford, Mark (b. 1958) Forgie, Barry Forline, Tim (b. 1994) Forrest, Dan (b. 1978) Forte, Aldo Rafael (b. 1953) Franklin, Austin (b. 1995) Fraschillo, Thomas (b. 1946) Fraser, Bruce Freeman-Toole, Richard (b. 1951) Friend, Korry (b. 1993) Frith, Jason Fritz, Parker (b. 1997) Frock, George (b. 1938) Froelich, Kenneth (b. 1977) Frost, Trevor Fusik, James (b. 1984) Gackstatter, Gary (b. 1959) Gaetano, Mario (b. 1955) Galante, Rossano Gardner, David Garner, Lucas (b. 1993) Gary Gackstatter & Ron Sikes Gates, Dorothy Gibson, Stephen Gillingham, David & Garrett Gillingham, David R. (b. 1947) Gilreath, Leslie (b. 1967) Gilroy, Gary P. (b. 1958) Gipson, Richard Gipson, Richard/Rogers, Lisa Gipson, Richard/Smith, Christine Glassock, Lynn (b. 1946) Gonko, Daniel (b. 1982) Goodwin, Ron Gorb, Adam Goto, Yo (b. 1958) Gott, Barrie Gottry, Josh (b. 1974) Gottry, Josh/Woodbury, Jonny Grainger, Percy (1882-1961) Grainger/Chalon Ragsdale Grantham, Donald (b. 1947) Grassano, Thomas (b. 1961) Green, Jonathan (b. 1964) Gregson, Edward Grieg/Chalon Ragsdale Groh, Adam Haeck, Jean-Pierre Haga, Takashi (b. 1989) Hahn, David (b. 1956) Hall, Dave (b. 1983) Halstenson, Michael Hancock, Martyn Hanmer, Ronald Hansen, Von (b. 1984) Hanson, Shelley Harding, Scott (b. 1968) Harnsberger, Andy (b. 1967) Hart, Paul Hartley, Walter S. (b. 1927) Hasenpflug, Thom (b. 1966) Hawkins, Phil (b. 1968) Haynes, Greg Heath, Reginald Heiny, Chad (b. 1980) Helble, Raymond Hennagin, Michael Hills, Joe (b. 1987) Himes, William Hingley, Barrie Hinkel, Joshua V. (b. 1978) Hirose, Hayato Hirt, James A. (b. 1955) Hoehne, Bill (b. 1957) Hogg, Brian Hogg, Brian/Hultgren, Ralph Hogg, Brian/West, Brian/Hultgren, Ralph Hollinden, Dave (b. 1958) Holmes, Benjamin Holmes, Cody (b. 1995) Holmes, Glenn (b. 1955) Holmes, Reed (1952-1996) Holmquist, Carl (b. 1983) Hoover, Jeffrey (b. 1959) Hopper, Adam (b. 1985) Horner, Kevin Horovitz, Joseph (b. 1926) Houben, Etienne (b. 1982) Houllif, Murray (b. 1948) Houston, Allen (b. 1966) Howden, Moses (b. 1957) Howley, Alex (b. 1996) Hoyos, Jorge (b. 1984) Huckeby, Ed Huestis, Michael (b. 1973) Hultgren, James/Hultgren, Ralph Hultgren, Ralph Hultgren, Ralph/Collins, Gordon Hultgren, Ralph/McLennan, K. Hunter, Jeff (b. 1958) Hutcheson, Jere (b. 1938) Hutchison, Warner (b. 1930) Hylkilä, Ilari (b. 1978) Ingrande, Leonard Iorio, Michael (b. 1993) Ireland, John (1879-1962) Jackson, Andelena G. Jacob, Gordon (1895-1984) Jacobus, Alan (arr.) Jakeway, Albert Jarvis, David (b. 1954) Joest, Kevin (b. 1988) Johnson, Brian (b. 1974) Johnson, Stuart Johnston, Nic Jones, Brett (b. 1978) Jones, David Jones, David P. (b. 1958) Jones, Ian T. Jones, Noel Jordan, Jeff (b. 1958) Juliani, Steven Jung, Holger (b. 1972) Kaiser, Leander (b. 1961) Kanayama, Tohru Kantorski, Vincent Karrick, Brant (b. 1960) Karukas, Stephen (b. 1997) Kato, Daiki (b. 1987) Kawamoto, Hideko (b. 1969) Keeny, Jonan (b. 1977) Keesecker, Noah (b. 1979) Kelly, Bryan Kelly, Nicholas Ryan Kempster, William (b. 1957) Kenney, Kevin Kepley, Angela (b. 1983) Kiefer, Ed (b. 1954) Kight, Jacob Kilby, Matthew Kimbrough, Ed (b. 1962) King, Anthony J. (b. 1983) Kline, Aaron Knipple, Dan (b. 1956) Knox, Charles (b. 1929) Kopetz, Barry (b. 1951) Kozhevnikova, Evgeniya (Jane) Krzywicki, Jan (b. 1948) Kucharski, Paul Kumor, Frank (b. 1969) Lamb, Marvin Lampl, Kenneth (b. 1964) Langford, Gordon Larson, Keith (b. 1957) Lawhorn, Lamon (b. 1983) Lawless, Larry Lawson, Geoff Le Picard, Guillaume (b. 1986) Leavell, Cedrick Lee, Ben (b. 1993) Lee, Rowland Lefkowitz, David (b. 1964) Leidzen, E. Leonard, Stanley (b. 1931) Lessard, Paul Alexander Levitan, Daniel (b. 1953) Lighty, Alan (b. 1955) Linton, Richard Lloyd, George (1913-1998) Long, David J. (b. 1950) Long, Phillip (b. 1979) Longo, Mo Lowry, Mark (b. 1961) Lundkvist, Krister Lyall, Graeme Lymon, Antonio C. (B. 1972) Lynch, John P. (b. 1963) MacDonald, Payton Machamer, Steven (b. 1956) Mackereth, Andrew Maddox, Jeannine (b. 1967) Madeira, David (b. 1982) Mahan, Cecily (b. 1966) Mahr, Timothy (b. 1956) Mallory, Dustin Mannering, Stephen/West, Brian Marek, Robert (1915-1995) Marshall, Christopher (b. 1956) Martinez, Jesus (b. 1987) Mascagni/Lawrence Odom Maslanka, David (b. 1943) Mathiesen, Steven (b. 1956) Mau, Alga Maultsby, Reese Mays, Walter (b. 1941) Mazan, Brent (b. 1995) Małecki, Maciej (b. 1940) McCarthy, Daniel (b. 1955) McClaflin, Ian (b. 1988) McClaflin, Ian/Crouse, Jacob McClaren, Cort (b. 1949) McClure, Casey (b. 1967) McConchie, Justin McCormick, Robert McCoy, D. Mark (b. 1964) McDermott, Lyall McDermott, Michael McIvor, Christian (b. 1982) McKenney, Thomas (b. 1938) McKenzie, Daryl McMichael, Catherine (b. 1954) McWIlliams, Robert Meade, Elyzabeth (b. 1957) Meechan, Pete Meiman, Ian (b. 1987) Meister, Scott (b. 1950) Melton, Andrew Mendoza, Ivan Mertens, Walter (b. 1965) Mety, David Metzger, Jon (b. 1959) Meyers, Nicholaus (b. 1979) Meyn, Till MacIvor (b. 1970) Michaelson, Edward Miessler , Cy (b. 1992) Mikkelson, Russel (b. 1960) Miller, Adam (b. 1986) Miller, Edward Jay (1930-2013) Miller, Magen (b. 1987) Millette, Paul (b. 1992) Mills, Kit (b. 1977) Missal, Joshua (1915-2013) Mitchell, Darren (b. 1964) Moell, Dan Molineux, Allen Money, Rodney (b. 1978) Monroe, Brian Montoya Jr, Daniel (b. 1978) Moore III, Joe W. (b. 1986) Moore, Matt (b. 1985) Morgan, Tammy Morgan, Tom (b. 1956) Morita, Zachary Morris, Alyssa Moyer, James (b. 1959) Muchmore, Pat Mueller, Brian (b. 1983) Mueller, Robert (b. 1958) Mulder, Nick Musella, Gabe (b. 1963) Musselman, Daniel (b. 1980) Nasu, Ritsuko (b. 1963) Nauman, Siegfried Neal, Mark (b. 1986) Nearpass, Jeffrey (b. 1953) Nechamkin, Tyler Nelson, Christopher M. (b. 1987) Neumeyer, Mike Newsome, John D. (b. 1969) Newton, Rodney Nickel, Christopher Tyler (b. 1978) Nilsson, Torsten (1920-1999) Nishimura, Yukiko (b. 1967) Nitsch, Jason K. (b. 1977) Odland, Eric Ogren, Jayce John (b. 1979) Oli, Ravi Olsen, Emma Orfaly, Alex (b. 1974) Osmon, Leroy Owens, Tania Owens, Terry Winter (1936-2007) Oxford, Josh (b. 1985) Pairojtanchai, Surapol Palmer, Robert Glenn (b. 1945) Papadimitriou, Dimitris (1952-2007) Pappas, Joseph (b. 1950) Paris, Zach (b. 1989) Parker, Philip (b. 1953) Parks, Gary E. Parton, Bradd Patel, Aakash Patzig, Andrew (b. 1992) Paulson, John (b. 1948) Pegram, Jules (b. 1991) Perez, Francisco (b. 1990) Perrin, Roger Perrine, Aaron (b. 1979) Perry, Doug (b. 1987) Peruzzolo-Vieira, Samuel Petersen, Mark (b. 1958) Petherick, Claire Petrinowitsch, Eric (b. 1986) Phillips, Richard Pickering, Caleb (b. 1990) Pierson, Brooke (b. 1987) Popp, Harold (b. 1937) Powell, Elisha Prather, Chris Prestini, Paola (b. 1975) Priddy, John (b. 1959) Primatic, Stephen Ptacin, Michael (b. 1981) Pyter, Steven J. Ragsdale, Aaron Railey, Aaron Rath, Eric Thomas (b. 1978) Raymond-Kolker, Louis (b. 1995) Rayner, Iain Reade, Simon Redhead, Robert Remington, Jacob (b. 1986) Rice, Dwayne (b. 1974) Rice, Philip (b. 1988) Richardson, Phil (b. 1986) Riddick, Sam Ridley, H. Brian (b. 1971) Ridley, Stephen Riffle, Jackson Riley, Steve (b. 1964) Roberts, Bruce (b. 1965) Roberts, Scott (b. 1959) Roberts, Stephen Robertson, Karen (b. 1987) Robertson, Wes (b. 1984) Robinson, Nick (b. 1966) Robinson, Ryan Robles, Kevin Rodriguez, Armando (b. 1951) Roe, Mike (b. 1988) Rogers, Lisa Rohwer, Nils (b. 1963) Rohwer, Nils/Schliecker, Jens Romanski, Kevin (b. 1975) Root, Thomas (b. 1947) Rosendahl, Niels Rosener, Doug (b. 1968) Ross, Ryan (b. 1983) Rossi, Mick (b. 1956) Roy, J. Michael (b. 1949) Rumbelow, Robert (b. 1965) Rush, Stephen (b. 1958) Rutty, Alejandro (b. 1967) Safford, Alexander Sanderl, Rob (b. 1978) Sanford, Richard (1959-2010) Sanguinito, Bryan Santa Cruz, Sarah Sargent, Erik Schiboni, Barton Schirripa, Marco (b. 1989) Schliecker, Jens (b. 1959) Schmidli, Roger Schmitz, Christopher Alan Schroeder, Carl (b. 1982) Schwarz, Ira-Paul (1922-2006) Sciaino, Peter (b. 1975) Scott, C./Hultgren, Ralph Sendlin, Jonah Shen, Hsueh-Yung (b. 1952) Shiner McGuire, Kristen (b. 1958) Shore, Melanie (b. 1982) Sichner, Dennis (b. 1959) Siegel, Nathan Elliot Siegler, Sarah (b. 1979) Silverman, Adam (b. 1973) Simmons, Aubrey Simpson, Steven (b. 1967) Slater, Joseph Westley Smit, Andrew Smith, Alyssa G. (b. 1977) Smith, Andy P. Smith, Austin T. Smith, J.B. (b. 1957) Smith, J.B./Hanrahan Smith, J.B./Tipei, Sever Smith, Joshua (b. 1973) Smith, Judge Smith, Mark (b. 1959) Smith, Nathan Smith, Patrick Smith, Rob (b. 1968) Snow, Adam Souza, Ricardo (b. 1974) Sparke, Philip Spaulding, Josh Speck, Frederick (b. 1955) Stamp, Jack (b. 1954) Stamp, Mahr, Pappas, Boysen, Gillingham Steadman-Allen, Ray Steele, Elijah Steinmetz, Branden (b. 1989) Steinohrt, William (b. 1937) Stempien and Turner Stempien, Joey Stephens, Wes (b. 1983) Stilwell, Ronald (b. 1939) Stout, Andrew (b. 1966) Stout, Gordon (b. 1952) Strunk, Kylle (b. 1995) Stubbs, Duncan Susi, Anthony Svendsen, Anne Sweeden, Sean (b. 1987) Sycamore, Amanda (b. 1973) Tadlock, John TAMU-Commerce Alumni Tanner, Peter (b. 1936) Tantchev, George Taylor, Charles (b. 1959) Taylor, Clint "Skip" (b. 1959) Taylor, Kandis (b. 1980) Taylor, Noah D. (b. 1982) Tchaikovsky/Chalon Ragsdale Tchaikovsky/Stubbs Team Islas and Justin Shelton Theriot, Austin (b. 1995) Thompson, Kevin Thompson, Patrick Thomson, Andrew (b. 1988) Thorne, Sean Tipei, Sever (b. 1943) Tippette, Bruce W. (b. 1985) Tirado, Jonathan (b. 1987) Tolfa, Mackenna (b. 2000) Torchinsky, V (b. 1968) Townsend, Kevin (b. 1980) Tucker, Christopher (b. 1976) Turner, Aaron (b. 1972) Turner, Josh (b. 1988) Turrin, Joseph (b. 1947) Uppercue, Kevin (b. 1981) Vague, Jeff van Appledorn, Mary Jeanne (1927-2014) Vance, Mark (b. 1951) Various Composers Varner, Michael (b. 1954) Vogel, Roger (b. 1947) Vogt, Luke Voight, Jake Wada, Naoya Wahlund, Ben (b. 1977) Waignein, André Walker, Desmond Walker, Josh Wallace, Doug Wallace, Vince (b. 1986) Ward, Aaron (b. 1997) Ward, Barry (b. 1952) Ward, Petrinowitsch, Hall, Tucker, Dooley Ward, Scott (b. 1979) Wasson, Matt Waters, Sarah Welcher, Dan Wells, David L. (b. 1952) West, Brian West, Brian/Hogg, Brian West, Brian/Hultgren, Ralph West, Martin Wharton, Russell Wheeler, Alastair White, Chandler D. White, Winton Yuichiro (b. 1980) Whitley, Ran (b. 1955) Whitmarsh, Jamie (b. 1988) Wiffin, Rob Wilborn, David (b. 1961) Wilby, Philip Wiley, Frank (b. 1949) Wilkins, Blake M. Williams, Danny (b. 1955) Williams, Jordan (b. 1988) Willis, Robert (1931-2018) Wilmaers, Koen Wimberley, Steven Wingerson, David (b. 1989) Winsor, Phil/J.B. Smith WInstead, Steve (b. 1980) Witt, Edward (b. 1991) Wood, Gareth Woodbury, Jonny (b. 1994) Woodring, Thomas (b. 1986) Woolfenden, Guy Wright, Denis Wyse, Jason Yagerline, Jack Yardley, Cory Young, Charles Rochester (b. 1965) Young, Graeme Yurko, Bruce (b. 1951) Zambito, Pete (b. 1975) Zaninelli, Luigi (b. 1932) Ziek, Gary D. (b. 1960) Zyskowski, Ginger (b. 1946)