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Genre: Solo Vibraphone (4-mallet)
# of Players: 1
Level: Medium | Duration: 20:00 total
Publisher: C. Alan Publications | Copyright: 2014
Download mp3 | Click on images to left for score sample
A Sacred Vibe was written to provide recognizable but unique arrangements of familiar hymns for 4-mallet solo vibraphone. All arrangements in this book are playable on a 3.0-octave vibraphone.
Genre: Solo Vibraphone (4-mallet) | # of Players: 1
Level: Medium | Duration: 20:00 total
Vibraphone (3-octave)
Program Notes
A Sacred Vibe was written to provide recognizable but unique arrangements of familiar hymns for 4-mallet solo vibraphone. All arrangements in this book are playable on a 3.0-octave vibraphone. Tenuto marks (-) appear occasionally in these hymns, indicating notes that should be brought out of the texture. Pedaling is notated below the staff and an “x” following a note indicates to mallet dampen that note when striking the next pitch. Below you will find additional performance notes specific to each piece. I hope this collection will help you, and those who listen, enjoy these classic hymns in a new way!
- Josh Gottry
Prelude on O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Meditation on Fairest Lord Jesus
Fantasy on the Doxology
Prelude on Be Still, My Soul
Reflection on It Is Well With My Soul
Offertory on Jesus Loves Me
Meditation on Give Us Peace
Postlude on Praise to the Lord, The Almighty