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Genre: String Orchestra
# of Players: 8-8-5-5-5
Level: 1 | Duration: 1:10
Publisher: Brolga Music | Copyright: 2005
Download mp3 | Click on images to left for score sample
The Grasshopper Chomp encourages students at this level to produce a full tone through the confident use of fast bow strokes.
Genre: String Orchestra | # of Players: 8-8-5-5-5
Level: 1 | Duration: 1:10
Violin Melody
Violin Harmony
Violin Easy
Viola Melody
Viola Harmony
Viola Easy
Cello Melody
Cello Harmony
Double Bass Melody
Double Bass Harmony
Program Notes
The Grasshopper Chomp encourages students at this level to produce a full tone through the confident use of fast bow strokes. The piece is in the key of D major which is the first key learned on the violin. The playing range is confined to the D and A strings for the upper strings, but also includes G string notes in the lower strings. All parts remain in first position.