Brolga Orchestra Catalog

02-brolga-music-vector-logo.pngEstablished in 1989 to give voice to young Australian band and orchestra musicians, Brolga Music has gone on to establish itself as the leading publisher and exporter of Australian-composed works for concert band, jazz ensemble and string and full orchestra.  The Brolga Music Publishing Company produces high quality works which reflect the nature of the Australian environment – open, entertaining and enjoyable to play and to listen to.

Brolga composers are Australia’s leading writers and have established an international reputation for the musical integrity of their output. They also provide, at the lower ability levels particularly, a vast resource for teaching and developing young musicians both technically and musically.

Named on select lists around the world, cited in the leading publications regarding teaching music via performance and repertoire development and with commercial compact disc recordings available internationally, Brolga Music publications are located at the forefront of Australia’s music publishing industry.

Brolga Music aims to provide the finest music, for young musicians particularly, and in doing so has provided an Australian experience for musicians across the globe.

A unique sound from a unique company – Brolga Music Publishing Company – Australia’s finest musical voice.

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  • Queensland Set, A
    Queensland Set, A $65.00 Choose Options
    Composed in the style of Celtic fiddle music, A Queensland Set incorporates The Horseshoe Bay Hornpipe, Gentle Annie's Waltz and The Ironpot Jig.Genre: String Orchestra | # of Players: 8-8-5-5-5 Level: 3 | Duration: 5:50...
  • Rum-Bah (orchestra)
    Rum-Bah (orchestra) $60.00 Choose Options
    As the title suggests, Rum-Bah features elements of that ever- popular style- Latin American music. The catchy melodies and persistent Latin rhythms will quickly establish this piece as an orchestra favourite and a sure...
  • Simple Song (orchestra)
    Simple Song (orchestra) $60.00 Choose Options
    "Why aren't there more slow pieces in three four time?'' Why indeed. The music is slow and singing in style. Providing musical challenges through the tension and release of the melodic and harmonic lines, it is plaintive and...
  • Trick or Treat (orchestra)
    Trick or Treat (orchestra) $60.00 Choose Options
    Darkness descends, the mood is tense - Trick or Treat is near! This piece is an ideal tool to introduce your orchestra to the differences between major and minor tonality.Genre: Full Orchestra | # of Players: Standard Level:...